Written by CityStudio RA Erik Nieweler
On Thursday, April 28th, 2022, CityStudio North Vancouver hosted HUBBUB #6. With 18 projects featured from Spring 2022 term, over 125 attendees visited the student projects via online Pheedloop. HUBBUB is a celebratory project showcase during which students, City staff, elected officials, faculty members and community members connect and learn about each other’s work. At the end of each term, the most creative and exciting projects from CityStudio collaborations are displayed, and visitors can vote for their favourite ideas. A judging panel selects the most impactful, relevant, and promising projects, with prizes to celebrate the students’ challenging work.
We are extremely happy to announce that the results of HUBBUB #6 :
1st Place — IDEA 244: Sonder Studio
Students Vylan Tran, Megan Lo, Alison Koo and Tiffany Zhong asked how they could encourage more businesses to join the RCMP Business Link program and to answer this, worked on an RCMP Business Link Program Website Re-Design.
2nd Place — TOUR 307: Green Settings
Students Jacob Gandossi, Alex Siu, and Anuabav Aggarwal addressed bridging the gaps between climate change and the film industry by promoting zero waste initiatives in community events and the film industry in the City of North Vancouver with a specific waste-management website.
3rd Place — IDEA 244: The Helping Hand
Students Tara Asadi, Lucy Benson, Joanne Cuevas and Aibhlin Fowlie partnered with the City of North Vancouver RCMP to address the need for additional pedestrian safety in the city.
Audience Choice Winners: BMKT 316: The Builders
Students Rohan Agrawal, Thomas Bae, Tim Betterman, Seena Heidary and Christian Ponce partnered with the City of North Vancouver to address the need for updated wayfinding branding in the city.
Alongside our project showcase winners, CityStudio North Vancouver introduced its first-ever Instagram Photo Contest which involved having students, city-staff and other stakeholders post a photo from one of our Spring 2022 class visits to their feeds and tagging us. We randomly selected winners who received gift cards for various organizations. We hope to replicate this contest in the future!
HUBBUB continuously gives students, instructors, city-staff, and other stakeholders an opportunity to:
- Hear about current opportunities and challenges identified by our municipal partners.
- Learn about the students’ process and project outcomes.
- Witness the unique ways in which CityStudio North Vancouver has adapted to a remote learning environment.
- Make connections with real people (in real time!)
We hope to see you at HUBBUB #7 and please stay tuned to our website and social media channels to stay updated on all things CityStudio North Vancouver!
About CityStudio North Vancouver – CityStudio North Vancouver is an experimentation and innovation hub for Capilano University students and City of North Vancouver staff and partners to co-create projects for the city community. The purpose of this collaboration is to develop more ways to make North Vancouver a more sustainable, delightful, and inclusive city, while teaching students the skills needed to succeed in various career fields.
For more information about CityStudio:
Our website: https://citystudiocnv.com
Our Facebook: @citystudionorthvan
Our Instagram: @citystudionorthvan
Our email: citystudiocnv@capilanou.ca, Aderyn Davies, CityStudio Project Lead