Opportunity Question: How can we best support North Vancouver RCMP to make recommendations on establishing their Instagram account, in the context of other social media initiatives they are currently involved in on Facebook and Twitter?
Term: Summer 2022
Department: Business Marketing
Course: BMKT 370
Instructor: Mary Charleson
Staff contact: Sgt. Peter DeVries, NVRCMP
Project Description: Students will work in small groups creating an overall social media marketing plan, that addresses the NVRCMP’s online communication tools, including the department website (through the Federal Government), and their use of other social media.
City Strategy and Goal Area:
- Council Strategic Plan
- A City for People is welcoming, inclusive, safe, accessible and supports the health and well-being of all.
- Official Community Plan 2014
- Goal 3.2: Safeguard the community and protect life, property and the environment.
- Objective 3.2.2. Maximize the safety and security of community members by preventing and reducing the opportunities for, as well as the social and economic factors contributing to, criminal activity;