On March 11th 2021, we hosted our third annual Idea Jam!
It was a collaborative morning bringing together local movers and shakers from different organizations and City of North Vancouver departments to envision a brighter future for our city. Through brainstorming and conversation, we facilitated a digital space to generate ideas for students and partners to explore through course collaborations in the upcoming academic year.
Several ideas were put forth with common themes of public space, environment, accessibility and community wellbeing. In keeping with the strategic goals of the City of North Vancouver, in particular the goal of being a “Vibrant City,” there was a focus on arts and culture with the intention to amplify the voices of members of our community. Through modalities like storytelling, the aim will be to promote equity, diversity and inclusion.
A collective interest in the environment was seen throughout the Idea Jam. Future projects on this topic may include cross-community strategies for urban agriculture, urban pollinators and food security.
The next steps will be to refine project topics and match them to current courses for future semesters at Capilano University.
Written by Aaliya Noorani (CityStudio Alum and Research Assistant).
Edited by Adele Therias (Project Lead)