Written by RA Samantha K. Cheung
On Tuesday, December 5, 2023, students, faculty, and City of North Vancouver partners gathered at the CapU Lonsdale campus to celebrate the students’ CityStudioNV projects for the 2023 Fall Showcase event. Those who have attended our semi-annual HUBBUB events before are familiar with our voting system, “Jar for Stars,” and a panel of judges to vote on student projects. This semester, we have decided to forgo the voting and shift the focus to Fall Showcase to allow faculty members and partners to meet and network with all students present at the event.
In the image above, our CityStudio Project Lead, Katrina, welcomes everyone at the Fall Showcase and congratulates students for their efforts in producing their projects. In addition, she extends gratitude to faculty members and city partners for successful collaborations. All event attendees were then treated to a video montage of all the projects that were selected for the Fall Showcase made by Katrina.
After the video presentation, faculty and city partners were invited to network with students on their project and ask any questions regarding the group work process and, more importantly, what inspired them to reach the topic of their project. Pictured above are a couple of students and city partners networking on the different projects in which they have participated.
In addition to networking, attendees were encouraged to write or draw at the Reflection station. From SOC 302, Kat is writing her reflection on her experience during her CityStudioNV project.
To end the event, students gathered with their instructors and city partners and had the opportunity to take class photos to remember this special event. Here are pictures from the GEOG 435, SOC 302 and BADM 305.
Congratulations again to our outstanding students on their projects, and we hope to see you in early April for HUBBUB #9.