How can we support The Shipyard’s vision to transform the City’s waterfront into a dynamic Burrard Inlet community amenity and regional tourist attraction?
Term: Fall 2021
Department: Tourism
Course: TOUR312
Instructor: Allan Florendo
Staff contact: Magda Kwaterska
Course Goals Pertaining to CityStudio Project: The IMC Plan objectives are to apply the course materials and develop appreciation for the process that a brand manager, account executive, or marketing communications manager goes through in developing a complete plan that communicate benefits, promotions, and awareness to its various audiences.
Project Description: In line with the requirement of TOUR 312, the class is divided into several groups to work on a course project focused on the development of an integrated marketing plan for a local tourism-related business.
City Strategy and Goal Area:
- Council Strategic Plan
- A Vibrant City is where dynamic public spaces and places provide opportunities for connection and enable residents to engage with their community and celebrate their culture and history.
- A Prosperous City supports a diverse economy by creating an environment where new and existing businesses can grow and thrive.
- Official Community Plan 2014
- Goal 6.1: Support a wide range of arts and cultural activities.
- Objective: 6.1.2 Support the production and delivery of a wide range of arts and cultural activities, community celebrations, signature events and festivals that engage and are enjoyed by residents and visitors
- Goal 6.1: Support a wide range of arts and cultural activities.