Image: CityStudio, CNVFD during drill

Opportunity Question:

How can we best support the City of North Vancouver Fire Department in their Health and Wellness goals for their employees?

Term: FALL 2022
Department: Kinesiology
Course: KINE 335 – Health & Wellness
Instructor: Heather MacLeod Williams
Staff contact: Chief Mike Danks, Stuart Washington, Chief Dave Owens

Project  Description:

The City of North Vancouver Fire Department are looking for ideas to help them establish a new Health & Wellness program for their employees. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, firefighters have been under extreme stress as first responders and the department needs a strategy to help combat the demands of their work.

 Students will work in groups and will:

1: Conduct a needs assessment

Step 2: Create a mission statement, goals and objectives and choosing a program strategy

Step 3: Create a budget, logic model, prioritized task list and list of implementation issues to be considered

Step 4: Create an evaluation design