OPPORTUNITY QUESTION: How can we best support MONOVA: Museum and Archives of North
Vancouver with engagement
with their programs?

Term: Fall 2022
Department: Business
Course: NABU 318 – Project Management
Instructor: Mitra Kiamanesh Partner: Stephen Irving, MONOVA

By using their unique lens as international students, NABU 318 students will work in small groups to create content for MONOVA’s social media channels including Instagram and TikTok that promotes and brings awareness of their diverse programming, especially for newcomers to the North Shore.

Through the collections and experiences, MONOVA encourages residents and visitors to explore North Vancouver’s fascinating history, to share reminiscences and stories, to research our players, characters and neighbourhoods, and experience programs that advance understanding of local people, cultures, and history.

City of North Vancouver Community Plan (2014):

Goal 6.1: Support a wide range of arts and cultural activities.

6.1.2 Support the production and delivery of a wide range of arts and cultural activities, community celebrations, signature events and festivals that engage and are enjoyed by residents and visitors;

6.1.3 Support access for people of all ages, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, and diverse needs, to a wide range of arts and cultural opportunities and activities that contribute to quality of life and social well-being;

6.1.5 Support creative strategies, practices and partnerships that cross boundaries, fuse different artistic traditions, encourage cross cultural understanding, and celebrate the City’s distinctive cultural identity.

Council Strategic Plan 2018:

A Vibrant City is where dynamic public spaces and places provide opportunities for connection and enable residents to engage with their community and celebrate their culture and history.