How might we engage, strengthen and inspire our community by
supporting diverse and younger voices interacting with historical records held by MONOVA: Archives of North Vancouver?
Term: Fall 2021
Department: English
Course: English 100
Instructor: Roger R Farr
Staff contact: Jessica Bushey
Project Primary Objective: Students will engage with MONOVA’s archival collections to inspire the creation of an anthology of research topics.
Course Goals Pertaining to CityStudio Project: Students to learn how to produce research writing and how to interact with a variety of documents.
Project Description: Each student will use engage with MONOVA’S archival collections to develop an anthology of 7-10 works pertaining to a research topic of their choice. The students will then create a 1,500 word written account the anthology as well as a Pecha Kucha presentation on the topic. The
Archives will have the opportunity to share the student’s work on their website or social media platforms.
City Strategy and Goal Area:
- Council Strategic Plan
- Priority: A City for People is welcoming, inclusive, safe, accessible and supports the health and well-being of all.
- Official Community Plan 2014
- Goal 6.2: Enhance and expand on the development of a well-planned mix of cultural facilities and creative community spaces.
- Objective: 6.2.5 Continue to support a mix of existing and new arts, culture and heritage facilities that meet a range of community needs and program uses, and add vibrancy to the social and cultural fabric of the City, e.g. North Vancouver Community Arts Council, Presentation House Theatre, Presentation House Gallery, Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art, Centennial Theatre, North Vancouver Museum & Archives, and City Library.