How can we best educate the public on sustainable water use and wastewater disposal practices to avoid spillage and the impacts of contaminants on local watersheds and ecosystems?
Term: Fall 2021
Department: Geography
Course: GEOG 330
Instructor: Heather Chappells
Staff contact: Frances Ramsay, Environmental Technician, CNV
Project Primary Objective: To engage and promote awareness in the public of the water systems in the City of North Vancouver and the importance of making sustainable choices when disposing of wastewater.
Course Goals Pertaining to CityStudio Project: Students will have a valuable Work-Integrated Learning opportunity within Capilano University’s local community. Students will come out of the experience with a better understanding of the flow and connection of the local community’s water systems and how people engage with water in their environment.
City Strategy and Goal Area:
- Council Strategic Plan
- A Livable City leads the way in climate action and acts as a steward of the environment for future generations.
- Official Community Plan 2014
- Goal 4.2: Measure, maintain and improve long-term ecosystem health.
- Goal 4.3: Engage the community to promote more sustainable behaviours.