IDES 244: Invasive Species Outreach

Invasive species management, Photo courtesy of City of North Vancouver

How might we engage and educate the community on invasive species management?

Term: Spring 2021
Department: IDEA
Course: IDES 244 (Design Studio)
Instructor: Tom Duguid
Staff contact: Frances Ramsay (City of North Vancouver)

Invasive plants are taking over public parks and outcompeting native species. Many of these invasive plants are still found in many residents gardens, and reproduction of these plants combined with illegal dumping is increasing the amount of invasive plants found in parks. Unless considered a noxious weed (Knotweed and Hogweed species), many of these invasive plants are also still available for sale in stores and nurseries.

Students will develop and design a campaign that engages and educates park users, residents, business owners, developers, and/or gardeners about invasive species.

City Strategy and Goal Area:

  • Council Strategic Plan
    • A Liveable City leads the way in climate action and acts as a steward of the environment for future generations.
      • Implement new climate adaptation and environmental improvement measures (including accelerating the expansion of the urban tree canopy and enhancing habitat to augment ecosystem services)
  • Official Community Plan
    • Goal 4.2: Measure, maintain and improve long-term ecosystem health
      • 4.2.11 Reduce the density and distribution of invasive species to protect biodiversity and ensure public safety