How might we raise awareness of the HUBBUB digital showcase in the wider community?
Term: Spring 2021
Department: Communications
Course: Project Group in Media Campaigns (CMNS 495)
Instructor: Jane Ince
Staff contacts: Adele Therias (CityStudio North Vancouver)
One team of students will develop and carry out a public relations strategy to raise awareness of HUBBUB #4 among CapU students, North Vancouver residents, and neighbouring municipal staff.
City Strategy and Goal Area:
- Official Community Plan (2014)
- Goal 6.1: Support a wide range of arts and cultural activities.
- 6.1.2 Support the production and delivery of a wide range of arts and cultural activities, community celebrations, signature events and festivals that engage and are enjoyed by residents and visitors;
- Goal 7.1: Diversify the local economy to contribute to a complete community.
- 7.1.5 Encourage private and non-profit post-secondary schools to locate in the Lonsdale Regional City Centre and build stronger relationships with institutions such as Simon Fraser University, the University of British Columbia, the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) Marine Campus and Capilano University;
- Goal 6.1: Support a wide range of arts and cultural activities.
- Council Strategic Plan (2018)
- A Vibrant City is where dynamic public spaces and places provide opportunities for connection and enable residents to engage with their community and celebrate their culture and history.
- Spearhead playful and fun events that find ways to celebrate our unique location and community.
- A Vibrant City is where dynamic public spaces and places provide opportunities for connection and enable residents to engage with their community and celebrate their culture and history.