IDES 244: Auto Theft Prevention

How might we encourage residents to be proactive in auto theft prevention?

Term: Spring 2020
Department: IDEA School of Design
Course: IDES 244 (Design Studio)
Instructor: Tom Duguid (IDEA)
Staff contact: Gursimran Gill (RCMP)

Auto theft is a highly preventable form of crime that affects residents in North Vancouver. Second year design students create communications “ad” programs that could reach out to the public about the issues of auto theft and how to counter-act it. The students created public awareness assets such as posters, email campaigns, and other strategies to bring public awareness to the issues of auto theft in North Vancouver.

City Strategy and Goal Area:

  • Council Strategic Plan 2018
    • A City for People is welcoming, inclusive, safe, accessible and supports the health and well-being of all.
  • Official Community Plan 2014
    • Goal 3.2: Safeguard the community and protect life, property and the environment
      • 3.2.2 Maximize the safety and security of community members by preventing and reducing the opportunities for, as well as the social and economic factors contributing to, criminal activity;