CRIM 101: RCMP + North Vancouver Community

Students to research and design projects to address the following important topics with the North Vancouver RCMP

Term: Spring 2022
Department: Criminology
Course: CRIM 101 (Introduction to Criminology)
Instructor: Sarah Yercich
Staff contact: Sgt. Peri Mainwaring, Cst. Tammy Kennedy, Cst. Nicol Hirtle, S/Sgt. Philip Yong, Cpl Paulo Arreaga & Cst. Kim Lutz from the North Vancouver RCMP

Student groups will work with mentors to address the following research questions:

How can the RCMP best learn from their shared history with the LGBT2QS+ community in North Vancouver to connect and support a shared vision for the future?
Diversity Steering Committee – What are the best ways for the RCMP to work with diverse communities in the City of North Vancouver? How can the RCMP support the Inclusion and Diversity Committee? How should the RCMP incorporate a diversity lens for local policing practices?
How can the RCMP best educate youths on sexual assault and prevention? What other resources can the RCMP coordinate with to support sexual health and understanding of consent in North Vancouver’s youths?
How can the RCMP best support their relationship with the local Indigenous populations? What are local initiatives that can foster healthy relationships and better understanding?
How can the RCMP best gather information from families or caretakers about individuals with mental illnesses when they go missing while aligning with Canadian privacy laws?

City Strategy and Goal Area:

  • Official Community Plan 2014
    • Goal 3.2: Safeguard the community and protect life, property and the environment.
      • Objective 3.2.2. Maximize the safety and security of community members by preventing and reducing the opportunities for, as well as the social and economic factors contributing to, criminal activity;
  • Council Strategic Plan 2018
    • A City for People is welcoming, inclusive, safe, accessible and supports the health and well-being of all.