Research and ideation to address topics currently addressed by the North Vancouver RCMP
Term: Spring 2021
Department: Criminology
Course: CRIM 101 (Introduction to Criminology)
Instructor: Sarah Yercich
Staff contact: Sgt. Peri Mainwaring + 8 mentors from the North Vancouver RCMP
Each student group will work with one mentor to address a research question that is relevant to their portfolio, conduct an environmental scan and/or propose new ideas to address these topics in the North Vancouver community. Topics include: Police Uniforms for Mental Health Intervention, Substance Abuse Education, Engaging with skateboarders at the Shipyards, Does Compstat reduce crime?, Mail Theft Reduction, Women’s Personal Safety Workshop, Relationship-building between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Residents, Decriminalization of Possession of Drugs, and Social Media and Sexual Exploitation.
City Strategy and Goal Area:
- Official Community Plan 2014
- Goal 3.2: Safeguard the community and protect life, property and the environment.
- Objective 3.2.2. Maximize the safety and security of community members by preventing and reducing the opportunities for, as well as the social and economic factors contributing to, criminal activity;
- Goal 3.2: Safeguard the community and protect life, property and the environment.
- Council Strategic Plan 2018
- A City for People is welcoming, inclusive, safe, accessible and supports the health and well-being of all.