HKIN 162: Kindness Cards

Kindness cards created by CapU student Katie Shard

How might we foster connection with older adults in times of physical distancing?

Term: Spring 2021
Departments: School of Human Kinetics
Courses: Contemporary Health Issues (HKIN 162)
Instructors: Kyle Guay
Staff contact: Annwen Loverin (Silver Harbour Centre), Heather Evans (City of North Vancouver)

Continuation of collaboration from Fall 2020.

Students created 40+ Kindness Cards to be shared with seniors on the North Shore. They were asked to reflect on this experience in order to help the initiative reach more young adults in the community. We have included a sample of these cards below. We have also compiled the top 5 ideas for enriching the Kindness Cards initiative. Enjoy! 

Would you like to create your own Kindness Card? Visit the North Vancouver City Library website for more details.

City Strategy and Goal Area:

  • Official Community Plan 2014
    • Goal 3.5: Support the independence and well-being of older City residents.
      • Objective 3.5.4 Support those programs and initiatives that work towards addressing social isolation, mental illness and addictions that can have a disproportionate impact on seniors.
  • Council Strategic Plan 2018
    • A City for People is welcoming, inclusive, safe, accessible and supports the health and well-being of all.